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Windsor faculty sets August 14 strike vote

August 1, 2014

The Windsor University Faculty Association (WUFA) has set August 14, 2014 date to seek strike authorization from its members. This move came in response to the unilateral imposition of terms and conditions by the Windsor administration, an unprecedented action for an Ontario university.

The imposition of terms comes after weeks of aggressive and provocative tactics by the Windsor administration. WUFA’s priority remains negotiating a fair agreement, important work made difficult by the administrations harmful actions.

At a July 29, 2014 meeting, an impressive turnout of WUFA members passed two motions. The first urged the administration to return to the bargaining table. The second authorized WUFA to seek a strike mandate on August 14th. Both motions received very strong support, passing with 99.5 per cent in favour. OCUFA president Kate Lawson and CAUT president Robin Vose both spoke at the meeting, alongside WUFA President Anne Forrest and Chief Negotiator Mike Charette. All emphasized the importance of resisting the administration’s attack on collective bargaining.

WUFA had previously decided against a strike vote, preferring to focus on negotiating a fair deal at the table. The administration’s actions now make this strategy impossible. The vote date comes one day before the university’s tuition fee deadline. It is regrettable that the administration’s attack on faculty bargaining rights has forced this outcome, and created uncertainty for students and parents.

For the latest developments at Windsor, be sure to check the WUFA and OCUFA sites.