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OCUFA Equity Statement

The Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) is committed to fostering equity for members of marginalized groups, including but not limited to:

The goal of equity is to achieve inclusiveness and social and economic justice through mutual respect, cooperation, understanding, representation, accountability, responsibility, and the development of balanced, healthy, and harmonious workplaces and communities.

The commitment to equity begins with the acknowledgement of inequity and demands proactive remedy for the effects of historical oppression and systemic discrimination.

Realizing that equity, inclusivity, and economic justice are both individual and collective responsibilities, OCUFA commits to providing leadership that opposes all forms of discrimination, removes barriers, and encourages inclusivity. It will work to promote equity within OCUFA’s work and governance structures as well as to hold Ontario’s universities accountable by advocating for substantive, binding commitments to foster equity and inclusion.

Success requires openness, transparency, and accountability in all aspects of the organization, including but not limited to: anti-discrimination, anti-harassment, employment and compensation equity, and accommodation equity.