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Service Award

En Français Past Winners

The Service Award was established to honour individuals who have done, or continue to do, exceptional work on behalf of the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations and its member associations.

Two awards will be given each year.

Application deadline : March 7, 2025

Please submit all nominations through the form below by clicking on “NOMINATE”.

Nomination Criteria and Process

Nominees must be current or retired members of an OCUFA-affiliated faculty association. They may be nominated by an OCUFA member association, a member of an OCUFA standing or Ad hoc committee, or an OCUFA Board Director. OCUFA Executive members cannot be nominated during their term of service.

Nominators will provide a letter of up to three pages that outlines the nominee’s contributions and achievements as they pertain to OCUFA, including years of accumulated service on the OCUFA Board, the OCUFA Executive, an OCUFA committee or an OCUFA Ad hoc committee.

Nominations will be received from an OCUFA member association, a member of a standing or Ad hoc OCUFA committee, and OCUFA Board Directors. OCUFA Executive members may not be nominated during their term of service.

Nominators are also asked to include two reference letters that speak to the nominee’s service of OCUFA and its member associations and their achievements. The selection committee prefers two recommendation letters and will accept one if only one is attainable.

The OCUFA Executive will review the nominations and select the winners. An individual may only receive this award once.
