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New! You can now use your university Microsoft 365 account to directly log into the website with the One Click button below.

Access to Board, Executive, Collective Bargaining Committee, Grievance Committee, Equity and Social Justice Committee, Contract Faculty Committee, University Finance Working Group, and University Governance Working Group is only available to current members. You do not need to register or log in to browse the OCUFA web site except for the above mentioned areas.

Please enter your username and password below if you are a current member and have previously been granted access to the above mentioned areas.

Please use the “RESET PASSWORD” function only when you registered for an account on our website. We are not able to reset your university Microsoft 365 email password.

If you received an error message indicating no users registered with this email address, you currently do not hold an account on the OCUFA website. Please register first.

Please note that after registration or logging in for the first time, it will take up to 2 working days to receive access. Please only call us after 2 working days if you still have trouble accessing areas that you should be able to visit.

Faculty Association staff, if you are looking to submit membership numbers for member dues, please click here.

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