OCUFA to hold conference on the future of universities
OCUFA is pleased to announce our 2014 Conference, “Future U: Creating the Universities We Want”. The event will be held from February 27-28, 2014 in Toronto.
The Future U conference will look at current trends and the possibility of alternatives for the future of higher education. Our goal is to allow professors, librarians, administrators, students and policymakers to consider how they would like the future of higher education to unfold, in Ontario and beyond.
What will the future hold? What future does the higher education community and broader public want for universities and colleges? What is desirable and what can be achieved? “Future U” will answer these questions and more.
The conference will feature speakers from Canada, the US, the UK, and Europe in a series keynote addresses and panel presentations. There will also be opportunities for informal discussion and audience participation. Session topics include:
- Imagining alternatives to current directions in higher education
- Current challenges to “traditional” faculty work and re-imaging this work in the future
- Reclaiming the civic university
- Creating the democratic university
- Achieving educational quality and equality through technology
- Higher education and the state: new challenges, new opportunities
Like previous OCUFA conferences, a diversity of views will be sought in each of the keynote and panel sessions.
The early-bird fee for those registering on or before December 20, 2013 is $350.00, which includes continental breakfasts, lunch, refreshments, an evening reception, and all materials. The regular registration fee after December 20, 2013 is $400.00; and $375.00 for OCUFA members. The student rate is $150.00.
For more information, and to register, please click here.