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Faculty at Waterloo reaches compensation settlement

May 7, 2024

Congratulations to members of the Faculty Association of the University of Waterloo (FAUW) for their compensation settlement, awarded in a final offer selection process.  On April 12, 2024, Arbitrator Kevin Burkett selected the Association’s final offer over that of the University as more closely approximating what he would have awarded based on an analysis of the relevant considerations of CPI and comparator settlements.

Scale increases in the award are based on actual and forecasted CPI calculations, as well as on a catch-up amount based on scale erosion over the previous cycle relative to two key comparator universities (Queen’s and the University of Ottawa). These two components total an increase of 4.7 per cent in 2024-25 (3.9 per cent plus 0.8 per cent catch-up) and 3.6 per cent in 2025-26 (2.8 per cent plus 0.8 per cent catch-up). For 2026-27, the award provides a 2.22 per cent increase based on inflation, along with an automatic scale reopener (to add the appropriate level of catch-up for that year) with the current MOA dispute resolution mechanism. The argument for the reopener was that this would be a pattern-setting agreement and that it was too early to know the future effect on the sector of Arbitrator Eli Gedalof’s award of eight per cent to the University of Toronto for 2022-2023.

On benefits, the parties agreed to recommend the addition of a Health Care Spending Account (HCSA) of $300 per 12 months per active member, which can be accumulated over two years to a maximum of $600. The application of this HCSA is pending approval from the Pension and Benefits Committee.

The award also addressed salary structure, applying a three per cent increase (in addition to the scale increase) to floors, thresholds, and Selective Increase Units (SIU) in 2024.

The Arbitrator remains seized until the award is implemented.