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Early-bird discount for Future U conference ends December 20th

December 17, 2013

The early-bird registration discount for OCUFA’s “Future U: Creating the universities we want” conference ends on Dec. 20, 2013. Register now to save on your conference fee!
Future U will consider current trends in higher education, and will explore alternatives that serve the needs of students, faculty, and communities. Topics include:

  • Re-imaging research, teaching, community service, and governance
  • The real uses of technology to improve teaching, learning, and research
  • shifting relationship between higher education and the state
  • Promising developments in higher education across the globe

Confirmed speakers include:

  • Maria Maisto, President, New Faculty Majority
  • George Fallis, York University, Author of “Multiversities, Ideas, and Democracy”
  • Kevin Kee, Canada Research Chair in Digital Humanities, Brock University
  • Aaron Bady, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Texas
  • Melonie Fullick, PhD Student, York University
  • Glen Jones, Ontario Research Chair in Postsecondary Education Policy and Measurement, OISE
  • Nick Falvo, PhD Candidate, Carleton University

The conference will be held from Feb. 27-28 at the Intercontinental Yorkville Hotel in Toronto. For more information and to register, please visit the conference website. Space is limited, so register today!