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You’re invited to the OFL’s province-wide postsecondary caucus on Monday, April 4

April 1, 2022

This coming Monday, the Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) is hosting a caucus open to anyone who studies or works at a college, university, or other postsecondary institution in Ontario. The caucus will provide an opportunity to get organized for the OFL’s province-wide day of action on May 1. Thousands of people across Ontario, including academic workers and students, will be joining the day of action in efforts to create a better Ontario taking action for a better Ontario.

  • RSVP for the April 4 postsecondary caucus here.
  • Then forward this caucus invitation to students, staff, and faculty on your own campus: student unions and campus clubs, trade unions, faculty associations, cross-campus alliances, and so on.
  • Then sign the pledge to take action on May 1 and to vote on June 2.