Writing Compelling Commentary – A Media Engagement Workshop for Academic Women
Led by Shari Graydon, founder and catalyst of Informed Opinions, this highly interactive workshop builds women’s leadership capacity and enhances their credibility and influence by providing participants with the confidence and tools to contribute their expertise to the public discourse through compelling, short-form written commentary for newspaper op-ed pages and online sites.Of interest to academic women in a range of fields, this workshop will equip you to own and articulate your authority as an expert, build a concise, persuasive and accessible argument, and increase your media publication prospects.
The cost is $75 for tenured/tenure-stream faculty association members; $25 for contract faculty association members. The event will be held on Friday, May 15, 2015 from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at 20 Toronto Street, Toronto
Spaces are limited. Register online at www.ocufa.on.ca/events
This workshop is presented by the OCUFA Status of Women Committee