We need your help to make every academic job a good job
Last week, OCUFA launched the We Teach Ontario campaign to highlight the important contributions made by contract faculty to Ontario’s universities, often in the face of difficult working conditions. The campaign is based around www.WeTeachOntario.ca, and is also running on Facebook and Twitter. After an exciting launch week, we need you help to make the campaign a continued success.
A key component of the campaign is collecting profiles from contract faculty to feature on the website. We want contract faculty to tell their own stories, in their own words. So, it is important to let as many contract faculty as possible know about the site, and to encourage as many as possible to complete a profile.
Here’s what you can do:
If you’re a contract faculty member, please take the time to complete a profile and submit a photo. Be sure to share the campaign with your own networks whenever you can.
If you’re a full-time faculty member, please mention the campaign to your colleagues, both full- and part-time. If you’re on Twitter or Facebook, please take a moment to share the story of a contract faculty member.
Together, we can help raise awareness of contract faculty and their working conditions, one of the most urgent issues facing universities today.