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University Finance Workshop focuses on impact of performance-based funding

December 5, 2019

On Friday, November 8, the annual OCUFA University Finance Workshop brought together faculty association members and staff from across Ontario who regularly review university financial statements. The day’s focus was on how the province’s new performance-funding framework could impact university finances.

The morning featured a briefing on the latest developments in provincial funding and a discussion of what it might mean for equity within the academy. This was followed by a review of sources and methods of financial analysis that can be used to assess potential impacts of performance-based funding on university finances.

After lunch and a robust discussion about the implications of performance-based funding, a presentation on strategic communications demonstrated how faculty associations can effectively communicate information about their university’s finances. Participants then divided into break-out groups to analyze real university data and develop strategic messaging that could be used to persuasively engage their members and the public.