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Tune in Sunday to a CBC radio documentary on precarious faculty

September 5, 2014

“Class Struggles” – a CBC Radio documentary airing this Sunday – presents faculty across Ontario and Canada with an opportunity to begin e a national conversation about the growing precarity of university sector workers.

Interviewer Ira Basen spoke with part-time faculty at several universities across Ontario. The documentary looks at the challenges facing precarious faculty. It adds a Canadian voice to the part-time faculty narrative, which is often dominated with stories and perspectives from south of the border.

In speaking out about precarious working conditions in universities across Canada, contract faculty member puts themselves at risk. The documentary is apt to anger some administrators, who may seek to re-frame the debate in terms that obscure the challenges faced by precarious faculty. It is important that we support those who speak out publicly about their working conditions.

To support our contract faculty members and to help shape a progressive public debate on the important issues raised in the documentary, please listen to the documentary, and consider leaving a response on

Class Struggles is a one-hour documentary, airing Sunday, Sept. 7 on The Sunday Edition with Michael Enright, CBC Radio One (91.5 FM) or online at: