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Spaces still available for “Feminist Transformative Leadership in the Academy” Workshop

April 16, 2014

There are still spaces available for the “Feminist Transformative Leadership in the Academy” workshop, hosted by OCUFA’s Status of Women Committee (SWC). The workshop will be held on May 23 at the Westin Harbour Castle in Toronto.

The workshop will feature a panel of female academic leaders who will facilitate break-out tables of participants over lunch for in-depth discussions on the challenges to and tools needed for successful transformation in the academy.

Confirmed panelists include Sheila Embleton, Karleen Pendleton Jimenez, David DeVidi and Peggy Smith. After the panel, participants will have a working lunch to brainstorm on strategies for transforming the academy, share examples of what’s working well in our academic lives and what else we need. Lunch tables will be hosted by either a panelist or Status of Women committee

The $75 workshop registration fee includes lunch and workshop materials. Participants are encouraged to seek travel and other financial support from their local faculty association as soon as possible.

Click here to register.