Ryerson reaches tentative agreement, NOSMFA members ratify
A tentative agreement was reached last Saturday morning at 1 am in the negotiations between the Ryerson Faculty Association and the university. A ratification meeting has been scheduled for December 15.
Members of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine Faculty Association ratified their new agreement on November 28. The agreement contains scale increases of 1.5 per cent in the first and second years of the contract and two per cent in each of the third and fourth years.
Increases to progress through the ranks parallel the scale increases, and there are additional amounts for faculty, librarians and professional staff in the last year of the agreement, with significant fringe benefit improvements.
NOSMFA negotiators, in a major breakthrough in the non-monetary area of the agreement, achieved a Canadian first, with the employer agreeing that most of the association’s members’ files (e.g., research and teaching) are under their custody and control, rather than that of their employer.
Faculty negotiators were also able to resist employer concession demands, such as a demand that administrators have the right to access the private health information of members for sick-leave eligibility.
Negotiators for the Professors’ Association of Saint Paul University in Ottawa have opened negotiations with their employer and passed a bargaining protocol at their first meeting. Faculty negotiators will table most of their non-monetary proposals at the next meeting, scheduled for January 17.
Negotiations at the University of Ottawa continue on non-monetary issues, with further bargaining meetings scheduled this month and in the New Year.
This article originally appeared in the OCUFA Report. To receive stories like this every week in your inbox, please subscribe.