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Professors at Queen’s Park today to talk about contract faculty, university funding

March 11, 2015

TORONTO – Professors and academic librarians from across the province will be at Queen’s Park today, talking with MPPs about important issues facing Ontario’s universities. The meetings are part of the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Association’s annual Advocacy Day.

“The work of professors and academic librarians is at the heart of higher education in Ontario,” said Kate Lawson, President of OCUFA. “We teach the courses, mentor the students, and do the research. We have concrete ideas for improving our universities, and look forward to sharing them with Ontario’s political leaders.”

OCUFA representatives will be looking for MPP support on the following:

  • Increasing public funding to support adequate hiring of full-time tenure stream faculty and measures to help improve the terms and conditions of work for the growing ranks of contract faculty members;
  • Ensuring that the upcoming government review of the university funding formula is guided by principles that protect the quality of higher education; and
  • Securing faculty representation on the Board of Directors of Ontario Online, a new e-learning initiative in the province, in order to keep Ontario at the forefront of technological advances in higher education while maintaining a high-quality learning experience for students.

“We know that quality higher education depends on a strong partnership between government and university faculty,” said Lawson. “Together, we can build the strong universities Ontario needs for a prosperous future.”