Part-time faculty at Algoma ratify new deal
Contract faculty at Algoma University have ratified their new collective agreement. After a difficult round of bargaining, the new deal gives senior contract faculty access to the pension plan, while introducing a new step pay system.
Non-monetary gains include a new policy committees charged with clearly defining the step-by-step processes for hiring and evaluations. The deal also requires that all contract faculty be treated the same across the institution, regardless of department, course type, course delivery, or the member’s primary campus.
The new step pay system recognizes experience, and provides a 1.5 per cent increase to all part-time faculty. Experienced members are now able to access the Group Retirement Savings Plan, instead of being paid the two per cent cash in-lieu benefit.
Contract faculty across Ontario struggle with poor job security, low pay, and no access to benefits. OCUFA congratulates Algoma’s part-time faculty for taking important steps forward in their new deal.