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Organizing for collective strength with OCUFA

June 15, 2023

OCUFA’s Contract Faculty Committee held a full-day workshop on May 26th full of inspiring speakers and hands-on organizing training. Keynote speaker Laura Walton, President of the CUPE Ontario School Board Council of Unions, shared how education workers engaged in the deep organizing necessary to mobilize people across Ontario in support of their bargaining demands, to crush Bill 28, and win a solid collective agreement.  

There have been some incredible success in the university and broader public sector that prove to us that when we push back together, we can win! The day’s sessions foregrounded the experiences of our colleagues who have been on the ground, organizing, bargaining, and winning improvements for contract faculty. 

The workshop consisted of multiple, hands-on sessions and participants walked away with tools for how to beat apathy, engage members, and learn about what it takes to win good jobs for contract faculty!

Organizing for Collective Strength text with photos of faculty engaging in a workshop.