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Ontario faculty associations gather for OCUFA Board of Directors Meeting

October 27, 2014

This past weekend, representatives of Ontario’s faculty associations met in Toronto at the OCUFA Board of Directors meeting. The OCUFA Board meets three times a year to discuss emerging issues in Ontario’s higher education sector, and to chart the organization’s direction for the coming months.

Highlights of this meeting included a special presentation of the OCUFA History Project website and the lunchtime presentation of OCUFA’s prestigious Teaching Awards. We were pleased to welcome Deb Matthews, Deputy Premier of Ontario and President of Treasury Board, to the awards luncheon.

The directors also discussed the organizations key priorities for the coming year: secure university pensions, addressing the challenge of precarious academic work and the shortage of full-time professors; and promoting high-quality online learning. These priorities will be the focus of OCUFA’s work for the 2014-15 academic year.

The next meeting of the OCUFA Board will be held in February 2015.