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Ontario contract faculty mobilizing for provincial election

March 12, 2018

OCUFA’s Contract Faculty and Faculty Complement Committee has been busy since December. Members have been identifying ways to mobilize their members in the lead-up to June’s provincial election.

With the momentum generated by Bill 148, there has never been a better time to fight for fairness for contract faculty and keep postsecondary issues on the agenda for political candidates. Faculty associations across Ontario will be hosting election events on campus, including candidate meet-and-greets and debates.

One of the priorities identified by faculty associations has been to build stronger coalitions on campus that increase solidarity with other campus workers, students, and communities. With that in mind, many faculty associations are organizing these events in cooperation with other campus staff and student unions. By building solidarity with other campus groups, faculty associations better position themselves to make gains in bargaining.

To date, the Lakehead University Faculty Association, Wilfrid Laurier University Faculty Association, Queen’s University Faculty Association, and Windsor University Faculty Association have all committed to hosting election events on their campuses. If you want to help organize an event at your university, contact your local faculty association or reach out to OCUFA’s Engagement and Campaigns Coordinator Alexandra Pinosa at

This article originally appeared in OCUFA Report. To receive stories like this every week, please subscribe.