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OCUFA policy brief highlights impact COVID-19 has had on PSE

June 5, 2020

In response to the Ministry of Colleges and Universities seeking input on the impacts the COVID-19 pandemic has had on different sectors of Ontario society, OCUFA has submitted a detailed overview of the pandemic’s implications for faculty, academic librarians, and other academic professionals at the province’s universities.

The policy brief is designed to provide context for many of the challenges Ontario’s universities and university faculty are facing, and provide pragmatic proposals for how university administrations can work with faculty to protect and strengthen the academy during these turbulent times.

The policy brief addresses areas of concern central to the challenges universities are facing in the wake of COVID-19:

  • Equity
  • Mental health of academic staff
  • Collegial governance
  • University funding
  • Remotes teaching and online learning
  • Impacts on students

Read the policy brief here.