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OCUFA participates in university funding formula review symposium

May 12, 2015

On Wednesday, May 6, 2015, OCUFA representatives participated in an all-day symposium on the university funding formula review. The purpose of the symposium was to kick off the government’s consultations around potential changes to Ontario’s university funding formula. OCUFA representatives included President Kate Lawson, five faculty association representatives (from Brock, Laurier, Ryerson, Trent, and York), and OCUFA staff.

Throughout the day, the government heard the perspectives of faculty, students, administrators, and community groups on the funding formula. While stakeholders are engaged with the process, it is clear that the government needs to provide some greater clarity on what it hopes to achieve by changing the funding formula.

Over the summer, the consultations will include open briefings, one-on-one meetings with OCUFA, and a call for written submissions. It is not yet clear in another symposium will be held. If further events are scheduled, there has been some suggestion that they will be regionally focused.

OCUFA is fully engaged with the review process, and is committed to making sure the faculty perspective is understood. We plan to take advantage of every opportunity to provide feedback, meet with project leaders, and articulate our own ideas. This past weekend, Sue Herbert, Executive Lead for the funding formula review, met with faculty representatives at OCUFA’s Board of Directors meeting.

To aid our members in their engagement with the review, OCUFA has prepared a funding formula review handbook. We will be providing further information and resources over the summer and into the fall. You can also visit the government’s funding formula review website.