OCUFA criticizes cancellation of Ontario Research Fund
In late December 2011, the Government of Ontario terminated Rounds Six and Seven of the Ontario Research Fund Research Excellence Program (ORF-RE), as well as the termination of the special round for the social sciences, arts, and humanities. OCUFA believes strongly that these cancellations will harm the quality and quantity of research and innovation produced by Ontario universities.
The cancellation of these competitions sends the wrong message at a time when Ontario should be increasing funding of research – both basic and applied – in the interest of supporting “transformative, internationally significant research of strategic value to the province,” as intended by the program. In order to produce the ideas and technology that will drive our economy forward, Ontario must have a well-funded research and development system that balances curiousity-driven inquiry and research commercialization.
OCUFA appreciates that the Government of Ontario is facing fiscal challenges. However, it is essential to continue investing in our future economic success. Terminating the ORF-RE is a case of short-term savings at the cost of long-term loss.
OCUFA has written to Minister of Economic Development and Innovation Brad Duguid to express our disappointment over the cancellation of the ORF-FE.
This article originally appeared in the OCUFA Report. To receive stories like this every week in your inbox, please subscribe.