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Nipissing files for conciliation, Huron agreement details

September 1, 2015

The Nipissing University Faculty Association (NUFA) has filed for conciliation, as the association and the employer “are still miles apart on the issue of a financial settlement.” Faculty at Nipissing are among the lowest paid in Ontario, and are seeking a fair and reasonable wage agreement.

The employer has argued that there is a financial crisis at Nipissing. NUFA requested access to financial information necessary to evaluate the employer’s claims. The administration refused. NUFA was forced to go to the Ontario Labour Relations Board to compel the release of the data. Analysis of the financial information revealed little evidence of the structural deficit claimed by the employer. More information on NUFA’s bargaining can be found on the association’s website.

Details of the Huron University College Faculty Association’s new agreement are now available online. The new three-year deal was ratified by the association’s members on April 28th and by Huron’s Board of Governors on April 30th.  The new deal includes 2.25 per cent increases to the full-time salary scale in each year of the agreement, plus significant increases for program sessional appointments (three-year contracts) and per-course appointments. The Huron deal also includes enhancements to the pregnancy, parental, and adoption supplemental benefit plan, and new job security protections for contract faculty.