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New issue of Academic Matters: Decolonizing the university in an era of Truth and Reconciliation

May 21, 2019

The latest issue of Academic Matters asks whether universities are doing enough to respond to colonization in higher education. An insightful group of scholars contribute their perspectives. It’s a must read and available online for free.

Bringing Indigenous viewpoints to higher education
By Tanya Talaga and Victoria McMurchy
Ojibway author and journalist Tanya Talaga sits down with Victoria McMurchy to discuss how Canadian postsecondary institutions have responded to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action. What needs to change for more Indigenous students to access postsecondary education and how can institutions move towards decolonization?

The role of faculty associations following the Truth and Reconciliation Commission
By Lori Campbell, Shannon Dea, and Laura McDonald
As universities take on the work of Indigenization, what role do faculty and faculty associations have in advancing the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Final Report and the rights of their Indigenous members?

The Indigenous diversity gap
By Malinda S. Smith and Nancy Bray
The Indigenous diversity gap infographic presented here provides answers to the question: “Where are the Indigenous Peoples at Canadian universities?” and presents for the first time an outline of an “academic pipeline” for Indigenous peoples in Canadian universities.

Protecting Indigenous language rights: Much more than campus signage needed
By Mary Ann Corbiere
Despite the Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, many universities are only making superficial efforts to integrate Indigenous languages into their curricula. How can universities play a leading role in revitalizing Indigenous languages?

A move towards conciliation in academia
By Ashley Courchene
After four years, reconciliation is not what we hoped it would be in our classrooms. How did we get here, and is there any way to fix what is broken?

Indigenous researchers plant seeds of hope for health and climate
By Hannah Tait Neufeld, Brittany Luby, and Kim Anderson
Indigenous land-based learning provides hands-on opportunities for knowledge development that shift away from Eurocentric forms of education. How can universities use land-based learning to impact students, research, and the environment?