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New issue of Academic Matters examines use of metrics in postsecondary education

January 12, 2018

Performance data and metrics are increasingly being used to make decisions in postsecondary education. The new issue of Academic Mattersnow available online – examines the significance of these developments and how they impact universities, faculty, research, and students.

Does a focus on metrics in higher education serve to optimize postsecondary education systems and make them more accountable? Do metrics distract from other considerations, undermining the integrity of the system? Do metrics compound systemic biases within institutions or help reveal them so they can be addressed?

For this issue of Academic Matters, we have assembled a group of experts to thoughtfully consider these questions, and contemplate the implications of making decisions based on metrics:

All of the above articles are free to read online, and previous issues of Academic Matters are always available at in addition to web exclusives, blog posts, and more.