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New agreement ratified at Laurier, Arbitration award at OCADU

March 22, 2012

On March 16, 2012, the Wilfrid Laurier University Faculty Association (WLUFA) approved their new agreement with the university administration. The Laurier Board of Governors approved the deal on March 8, 2012.
The new contract includes a two per cent salary increase a year for three years, as well as a targeted Ontario system adjustment to bring WLUFA members in line with faculty elsewhere in Ontario.  Other changes include the establishment of professional teaching positions, provisions to allow more members to qualify for research course releases, and changes to the pension plan. WLUFA will now also carry grievances on behalf of members. For more information, please visit the WLUFA website.
The long awaited arbitration award by William Kaplan at OCADU for 2010 to 2013 provides wages increases to all members of 2% in each of 3 years, retroactive to the expiry of the last agreement. Improvements for tenure stream professors include additional compensation for graduate supervision, an increase to the professional expense reimbursement, and an additional step added to the grid for each rank.  Sessional faculty improvements also include a new step on the salary grid, as well as a supplemental wage increase equal to one step and an increase in pay in lieu of benefits from 6% to 7%.  New language for sessional faculty will short-list members for consideration for any course the individual has previously taught or any closely related course once they have reached the seniority threshold.

This article originally appeared in the OCUFA Report. To receive stories like this every week in your inbox, please subscribe.