Huron University College faculty reach their first collective agreement as a union
The Huron University College Faculty Association (HUCFA) has reached its first collective agreement as a union. The faculty association has negotiated terms and conditions of employment on behalf of tenured faculty for many decades and, more recently, for contract faculty at the institution. This latest agreement is special because it comes after the faculty association chose to unionize to formalize their bargaining relationship and broaden the negotiating tools at their disposal.
The four-year agreement builds on a robust foundation of rights, extending many to per-course contract and program sessional faculty for the first time. Contract faculty are now guaranteed institutional support such as office space, parking, email, technology support, and library services. In addition, job security measures have been enhanced. Faculty will be awarded a one-year appointment after teaching three or more courses in two consecutive years.
Tenure stream faculty have new technology options, new stipends and course reductions for chairs and directors, and a half-course reduction for probationary faculty in their first two years of employment.
All faculty received improved allowances and competitive salary increases in line with those received at other faculty associations, in addition to paid release for faculty association work.
Congratulations to the bargaining team and executive of HUCFA on reaching their first union contract.