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February 11 is the Fairness for Contract Faculty Social Media Day of Action

February 4, 2019

On Monday, February 11, faculty, staff, and students from across Ontario will participate in OCUFA’s annual social media day of action in support of fairness for contract faculty.

Tenure-stream faculty and contract faculty issues are two sides of the same coin.

Many contract faculty have to reapply for their jobs every twelve weeks, are hired to teach courses for which they are paid less than their full‐time tenure‐stream colleagues, and lack access to benefits.

Because contract faculty do about 50 per cent of all teaching with no expectation of service, 100 per cent of service work falls on the shoulders of tenure-stream faculty. This service work is vital for our universities, which depend on departmental, faculty, and university committees that enable universities to function.

The biggest issue facing tenure-stream faculty is fair workload.

The biggest issue facing contract faculty is contract and precarious work.

On February 11, we will take to Twitter and Facebook to call for fair workloads and good jobs for all faculty.

We can solve both these challenges by investing in postsecondary education as a province and hiring more permanent university faculty. Make sure to use the hashtags #Fairness4CF and to include the account of your local university in the message for maximum impact.

For more information on how to get involved, contact OCUFA’s Engagement and Campaigns Coordinator Andrea Calver at