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Faculty at UOIT ratify new collective agreement

April 5, 2016

On March 22, 2016, the members of the University of Ontario Institute of Technology Faculty Association (UOITFA) ratified their new collective agreement with the employer. Here is the UOITFA statement on the deal.

Last week on the final scheduled day of mediation prior to the UOITFA strike deadline, the UOITFA and UOIT reached a tentative agreement on a new 3-year Collective Agreement for Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty.

Today, the tentative agreement for three years was ratified by UOITFA members with a vote of 96% in favour.

The agreement includes provision for across the board salary increases in each year of the agreement, modest gains in benefits, significant improvements in progress through the ranks processes, and improved provision for leaves.

UOIT and UOITFA also agree to work together on joint undertakings concerning employment equity in hiring, intellectual property rights, and the evaluation of teaching.

“This agreement signals a productive new phase in UOITFA’s rapidly evolving relationship with the UOIT administration and imbues our members with a collective sense of purpose and pride in our accomplishments at the table,” said Gary Genosko, President of UOITFA.

For more information, please visit the UOITFA website.