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Faculty at St. Michael’s College reach agreement with administration

March 2, 2018

On Saturday, February 10th, after a 17-hour marathon of mediation, the University of St. Michael’s College administration and University of Toronto Faculty Association (UTFA), which bargains on behalf of faculty and librarians at the college, agreed to a new collective agreement.

This success was clearly attributable to the resolve of the membership, and the support of allies in the final days. With a strike deadline set for Monday, February 12th, faculty associations from across Ontario showed their solidarity through letters and motions of support. Faculty at St. Michael’s College are particularly grateful for the solidarity and support of the college student groups, without whom this deal would not have been possible.

The parties negotiated a three-year collective agreement with an expiry of June 30, 2020. UTFA’s St. Michael’s College members were able to maintain salary increase parity with UTFA members on the main University of Toronto campus. Moreover, they achieved language to ensure equity and diversity in hiring, as well as a commitment to meaningful diversity training on campus. Finally, the faculty association successfully pushed back against the addition of contractually limited term appointments, ensuring there will be no downgrade in teaching complements at the college.

This article originally appeared in OCUFA Report. To receive stories like this every week, please subscribe.