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Faculty from across Canada participate in OCUFA’s fourth Social Media Day of Action

March 8, 2018

This year’s Social Media Day of Action in support of fairness for contract faculty and other precariously employed campus workers was a huge success! On Wednesday, February 28th, OCUFA and allies from across Canada tweeted and shared posts on Facebook raising awareness about precarious work on our campuses and asked Ontario MPP’s how they plan on supporting postsecondary workers.

More than a dozen Ontario faculty associations joined with CUPE and OPSEU locals, CAUT, CFS–Ontario, OECTA, the Fight for $15 and Fairness, and even the Federation of Post-Secondary Educators in BC to make it clear that quality postsecondary education relies on good campus jobs. NDP MPP and critic for Advanced Education and Skills Development Peggy Sattler retweeted our messages, recognizing that fairness for contract faculty means equal pay and job security.

Because of our work, the hashtags #Fairness4CF and #15andFairness were trending for much of the day. Thank you to all of the faculty, campus workers, and students who participated. This is a sign of our collective strength in the lead-up to the Ontario election on June 7.

This article originally appeared in OCUFA Report. To receive stories like this every week, please subscribe.