“Challenging Precarious Academic Work” conference materials are now online
Presentation slides and complete audio recordings of every session from OCUFA’s “Challenging precarious academic work” conference are now available online. People who missed out on the conference the first time around can access and download the complete conference proceedings.
The conference was a unique meeting of activists, researchers, and policymakers all interested in ending precarious work in our universities. Speakers came from Canada, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Australia, providing the opportunity to analyze the current situation from an international perspective and to articulate new strategies for building solidarity and ensuring good academic jobs for all.
In addition to four excellent panel sessions, you can also download the conference’s three provocative keynotes: Andre Turcotte’s survey findings on public perceptions of precarious academic work in Ontario; Guy Standing’s interrogation of the social structures and assumptions surrounding precarity; and Karen Foster’s look at the generational impacts of precarious work.