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Brescia faculty plan event on the gender wage gap

September 20, 2016

Tomorrow, the Brescia Faculty Association (BFA) is hosting a discussion on the what can be done on campus to close the gender wage gap on their campus. The event features Linda Davis, member of Ontario’s Gender Wage Gap Steering Committee. The Committee recently submitted their recommendations on addressing the gender gap to the Government of Ontario.

According to the latest data, the average salary of full-time faculty at Brescia is the second lowest in the province, ranking 21st out of 22 institutions. This figure is particularly troubling given that Brescia is Canada’s only women’s university and the faculty complement is 72% women – the highest proportion of women academics of any university in Canada. Brescia’s mission is to educate women and it should set a better example.

The BFA is seeking equal pay for equal work to faculty at its peer institutions in its current contract negotiations with the Brescia administration. Brescia has an opportunity in bargaining in the coming weeks to take leadership in closing the gender wage gap in Ontario by deciding to pay its professors a fair and equal salary.

The event will be held from 3:15-4:15 p.m. in Rm 303, St. James Building, Brescia University College. All members of the Brescia and London communities are welcome to attend.