Bargaining update: York University
Members of the York University Faculty Association ratified their new three-year collective agreement in August. They made significant gains, thanks to the hard work of the bargaining team, empowered by a strong strike mandate from members.
On compensation, members received an across-the-board salary increase of 3.1% in the first year, which also applies to overload and administrative stipends, followed by 2.85% in each of the second and third years. Both active and retired members saw increases to various benefits, including an increase, from $40,000 to $60,000, to the transgender fund available to active members.
Teaching stream faculty gained an increase in the teaching development release time grants fund that gives priority access to teaching stream members, as well as a pilot program to increase release time for teaching stream members who take on administrative positions.
On Indigenization, Indigenous knowledges, methodologies and practices are now included in tenure and promotion criteria; and the joint committee will discuss access to campus space for the purposes of Indigenous ceremonial and cultural practices.
Other noteworthy gains include a joint meeting of the parties to identify resources and procedures to address workplace conflict; a mediation program to be piloted as an alternative to stage two of the dispute resolution process; and a new article laying out privacy and transparency rights with respect to electronic monitoring, cyber security, and data protection.