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Bargaining update: King’s University

November 22, 2024

The King’s University College Faculty Association has anew three-year collective agreement, supported by a strong strike vote to endorse the work of the bargaining team. Members made gains on their major mandate goals of compensation, equitable employment, and workload, among others.

In an important change under the new agreement, academic librarians are now members of KUCFA. On job security, members on Limited Term Appointments now have the potential to transition to tenure-track if a position is approved.

Members receive a scale increase of 5.0% in the first year, as well as lump sum increases to base for all faculty ranks ranging from $1,000 to $4,000. Years two and three each include an increase of 3.5%. The scale increase also applies to overload stipends, professional development funds, and research and travel funds. Members also gained new short-term leaves – for domestic violence, bereavement, and compassionate care.

Equity gains include changes to promotion and tenure processes; greater recognition of diverse forms of scholarship in promotion criteria; the elimination of the requirement for student evaluations of teaching; and a new section outlining promotion and tenure processes specific to Indigenous scholars. A new statement in the collective agreement also commits the employer to treat members equitably.

On workload, there are no longer any service expectations of members in the first year of their appointment, aside from attendance at department meetings, and all members can now apply for course buyouts.

Other gains include the extension of existing job protections to situations of program re-organization, improvements to the discipline clause for clarity and fairness, and the strengthening of language on health and safety.