Academic Matters tackles university governance
The latest issue of Academic Matters – now available online – takes a critical look at university governance from the perspective of professors and academic librarians. Recent controversies at UBC, Carleton, Western, and others have shone a harsh public light on serious failings in how our universities are run.
The issue features incisive examinations of these issues, including:
- Larry Savage on the campaign to defend collegial governance at Brock University.
- Mark Mac Lean and Michael Conlon on what the resignation of Arvid Gupta has revealed about university governance in British Columbia.
- Alison Hearn and Vanessa Brown on what faculty can learn from the Amit Chakma double-payment scandal at Western University.
- A harrowing first-person account of the attempts to stifle debate and transparency at Carleton University by Root Gorelick.
Academic Matters is always available at, alongside web exclusives, blog posts, and more! The print Spring/Summer 2016 issue will be hitting faculty mailboxes across Ontario soon, so keep an eye out for your copy.