
OCUFA’s Status of Women Committee is pleased to host the “Writing Compelling Commentary” workshop, hosted by Shari Graydon. This highly interactive workshop seeks to build women’s leadership capacity and enhances their influence by providing participants with the confidence and tools to contribute their expertise to the public discourse through compelling, short form written commentary. Presented […]

A recent study from Statistics Canada observed that women are still under-represented in STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, mathematics and computer science), despite their growing presence in these fields. The Statcan National Household Survey for 2011 revealed that 59 per cent of 25-34 year-olds with a university degree were women. Women’s share of STEM degrees, however, was […]

If one were to follow the career track of female and male graduate students, to what degree do individuals in each category end up in the higher echelons of the academy, and why? These are questions that have been addressed in a new book, Do Babies Matter? Gender and Family in the Ivory Tower by Mary Ann Mason, Nicholas H. Wolfinger and Marc Goulden of […]

When a pundit or politician attacks unions, they’re really attacking equality for everyone, and for women in particular. Unions and the public sector – and public sector unions especially – are no strangers to criticism. In the wake of the Great Recession, perhaps it should be no surprise that attacks are more vociferous than when times […]

The Council of Canadian Academies’ report on the gender dimensions of Canada’s research capacity found that the pattern of under-representation of women in universities is similar to that in other advanced countries. While recognizing Canadian women have made great strides, the assessment identified a number of life-course factors affecting their success. The broadest factor concerns the learning and professional trajectories of […]

Female academics in Canada have made gains, but their progress remains uneven by discipline and rank according to new research. The Council of Canadian Academies (CCA) recently released an assessment of the factors influencing the career paths of women academics at Canadian universities. Part of the story it tells is similar to the one outlined in last year’s Statistics […]

Since 1992, women have made significant gains in PhD enrolment. However, in certain fields, they continue to lag behind men in employment and median salary.   The recent Statistics Canada report on the career paths of Canadian doctoral graduates echoes an earlier Statistics Canada release that traced the increasing proportion of doctoral students and graduates who are women. Less than a […]