Last weekend, the Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities Glen Murray met with OCUFA’s Board of Directors during its October meeting. The Minister was questioned on his plans for higher education reform in Ontario, on the government’s agenda for university pension plans, and on public sector wage restraint. Overall, it was clear that the Minister has […]
wage restraint
These are challenging times for Ontario’s higher education sector. We are being challenged on three fronts: university pension plans, the government’s anti-labour push for wage restraint, and a reform plan that threatens institutional autonomy and academic freedom. OCUFA is working hard to monitor the latest developments and push back against government intrusion in higher education. […]
Last night, Dalton McGuinty resigned as premier and prorogued the Ontario Legislature. This means that all legislative business has ceased and all legislation currently being considered dies on the order paper. When a new session of the Legislature is eventually convened, it will be a new session of parliament, accompanied by a Throne Speech. All […]