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“Share your Blueprint” student video contest

February 28, 2014

From the Supporting Student Success research team, based at OISE at the University of Toronto:

Supporting Student Success invites submissions for our 2014 ‘Student Experience Video Competition’. In the format of a short 4-5 minute video, we would like students to depict and discuss the blueprints they have created for themselves during their time at college and/or university. What initiatives and programs have you participated in, who have you engaged with, how did you get involved and how do the pieces fit together to support your success? Student blueprints might include: interactions and relationships with college and university staff, advisors, counselors, faculty and peers; study groups; learning skills workshops/programs; career training; community outreach; leadership opportunities; peer helper programs, employment on campus; residence life; student government; and clubs and sports.

The first prize is a $75.00 Pizza Pizza gift certificate and second prize is a $50.00 Starbucks gift certificate. The top 5 videos will be featured on the Supporting Student Success research team’s new youth outreach website, entitled Blueprints for Student Success. The website is dedicated to educating high school students about the services and programs offered on college and university campuses.”

For complete contest details, click here.