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“Rethinking Town and Gown” issue of Academic Matters available online

June 25, 2014

The latest issue of Academic Matters, OCUFA’s flagship publication is now live online. Titled “Rethinking Town and Gown,” the issue highlights the connections that exist between universities and their host communities. We also look at ways of strengthening the relationship between town and gown, in an effort to enrich both worlds.

George Fallis considers the question of what, exactly, makes a “civic” university, and how our modern institutions might better contribute to the vitality of our democracy. Mark Wexler considers what it means personally for academics to pay more attention to the needs of the town, and how this strategy of engagement may ultimately secure the university’s survival. Kelley Castle outlines some innovative programs that seek to connect students and community members, with surprising, occasionally uncomfortable, and deeply moving results.

Katherine Graham provides an introduction to community-based research in Canada, and explains how such research delivers real benefits to both scholars and communities. Similarly, Kathleen Bloom looks at a model that engages students with community groups that might otherwise lack the capacity for conducting in-depth research.

From the cultural angle, Mark Langer writes on the long history of town-and-gown depictions in film. From the earliest days of film, academia has been seen as world apart from the everyday reality of the town, and this portrayal has likely influenced how we understand the relationship today.

In addition to these articles, be sure to check frequently for the latest blogs and web exclusives.