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Letter to the Federation of the Humanities and Social Sciences regarding Congress 2024 at McGill University

June 4, 2024

June 3, 2024
Annie Pilote, Chair of Board
Mike DeGagné, Interim Chief Administrator
Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences
200 – 141 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, ON
K1P 5J3

[Sent by email:]

Subject: Re: Congress at McGill University

Dear Annie Pilote and Mike DeGagné,

The Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) extends a message of solidarity to the striking faculty at the Association of McGill Professors of Law/Association McGillienne de professeur.e.s de droit. Members of the AMPL/AMPD have been on strike since April 24, 2024 as they try to negotiate their first collective agreement after unionizing in 2022.

OCUFA supports calls for the Federation of the Humanities and Social Sciences and its member associations to move the events of the 2024 Congress off the McGill campus should the strike continue during the academic gathering. In solidarity with AMPL/AMPD, OCUFA requests that our advertisement for our journal Academic Matters be removed from the Congress website for the duration of the strike and for the Congress advertisement to be removed from the OCUFA website. We will also not be sending our printed materials for distribution during Congress if the strike continues.

Together, we can make a strong statement in support of free and fair collective bargaining and help faculty reach an equitable agreement with McGill University.


Jenny J.H. Ahn, Executive Director
Cc: Nigmendra Narain, OCUFA President

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