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OCUFA statement on principles of collegial governance

Preamble At the May 2017 OCUFA Policy Exchange conference, university governance was identified as one of three critical policy issues that are of concern to faculty. In particular, participants noted three main areas of concern: the composition and practices of Boards of Governors/Trustees, lack of transparency in the development of university budgets, and procedures for […]

Government attack on workers’ rights will deny fair wages and benefits to contract faculty and already underpaid academic staff

TORONTO – Ontario faculty are deeply concerned by the Ford government’s attempt to cap public sector compensation increases at one per cent per year. This legislation represents an attack on the right to free and fair collective bargaining, a threat to pay equity and benefits for contract faculty and other marginalized workers, and an erosion […]

Rebecca Ellis wins 2019 Mandelbaum Fellowship

TORONTO – The Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) is pleased to announce that this year’s recipient of the Henry Mandelbaum Graduate Fellowship is Rebecca Ellis from Western University.  “The Mandelbaum Fellowship recognizes graduate students who combine exceptional scholarship with deep engagement in their communities,” said Rahul Sapra, Vice-President of OCUFA. “Each year, we […]

OCUFA submission warns about government interference in collective bargaining and its consequences for contract faculty and equity

Ontario faculty are concerned that the Ford government intends to interfere in collective bargaining relationships throughout the public sector, including at universities across the province. In a written submission to the Treasury Board Secretariat regarding its consultations on public sector compensation, OCUFA detailed its concerns about the consultation process and the government’s motives. Ontario’s faculty […]

Ontario faculty alarmed by proposal to overhaul university funding in provincial budget

TORONTO – Ontario’s faculty are alarmed by the Doug Ford government’s budget proposal to allocate 60 per cent of university funding based on institutional performance. By design, performance-based funding threatens education quality as it rewards institutions that meet specific performance targets while penalizing those that do not. Faculty are also concerned by signals that the […]

Ontario’s university faculty troubled by results of Student Voices on Sexual Violence survey

TORONTO – Ontario’s university faculty were troubled to learn the results of the Ontario Government’s Student Voices on Sexual Violence survey released today. It is deeply disturbing that over 63 per cent of university students surveyed disclosed an experience of sexual harassment and that sexual violence remains so pervasive on campus. These results point to […]

Wilfrid Laurier University professor honoured with OCUFA’s Award of Distinction for advancing and promoting equity

TORONTO, February 8, 2019 – Lianne Leddy, an assistant professor at Wilfrid Laurier University, has won the 2018 Equity and Social Justice Committee Award of Distinction, presented by the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA). The award, sponsored by OCUFA’s Equity and Social Justice Committee, recognizes faculty whose work has improved the lives and […]

Trent University professor honoured with OCUFA’s 
Award of Distinction for advancing and promoting equity

TORONTO, February 8, 2019 – Susan Hillock, an associate professor at Trent University, has won the 2018 Equity and Social Justice Committee Award of Distinction, presented by the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA). The award, sponsored by OCUFA’s Equity and Social Justice Committee, recognizes faculty whose work has improved the lives and working […]

St. Jerome’s University professor honoured with Lorimer Award for outstanding work advancing faculty rights

TORONTO, February 8, 2019 – The Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) is pleased to announce that St. Jerome’s University professor Steven Bednarski is the recipient of the 2018 Lorimer Award. This honour recognizes individuals who have worked to protect and promote the interests of Ontario’s academic staff through collective bargaining. “Steven fought tirelessly […]

OCUFA report reveals systemic discrimination and harassment in use of university student questionnaires

TORONTO, February 6, 2019 – A new report published by a working group of the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations exposes substantial issues with student questionnaires on courses and teaching (SQCTs), including endemic bias and systemic discrimination. These end-of-term student questionnaires are common practice at universities across Canada. The report finds that student questionnaire […]

OCUFA makes recommendations for 2019 Ontario Budget

OCUFA has set out its priorities for the 2019 Ontario Budget in a written submission to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs. Strengthening Ontario’s universities through meaningful investment in university education is essential to support high-quality accessible education for Ontario students, continued strength in research, and fairness for contract faculty. As part of […]

Reckless government announcement threatens education quality and students’ rights

TORONTO – Without increased public funding for Ontario’s universities and colleges, the Progressive Conservative Government’s announced tuition fee reduction is nothing more than an ill-conceived political gimmick designed to distract Ontarians from damaging cuts to the province’s already under-funded postsecondary education system. OCUFA has long advocated for tuition fee reductions but not in the absence […]

Reminder: OCUFA is currently accepting applications for Fellowship in Higher Education Journalism

The Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) is currently accepting applications for the inaugural $10,000 OCUFA Fellowship in Higher Education Journalism. In recent years, there has been a marked shortage of informed investigative reporting on Canadian higher education issues in the Canadian media. The OCUFA Fellowship in Higher Education Journalism is intended to help […]

New video profiles 2016-2017 OCUFA Teaching Award winner Milena Head

A new video produced by the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations profiles 2016-2017 Teaching Award Winner and McMaster University professor Milena Head. The video premiered during a special ceremony celebrating the winners of the 2018 Teaching and Academic Librarianship Awards.

Announcing the OCUFA Fellowship in Higher Education Journalism

The Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) is excited to announce the $10,000 OCUFA Fellowship in Higher Education Journalism. In recent years, there has been a marked shortage of informed investigative reporting on Canadian higher education issues in the Canadian media. The OCUFA Fellowship in Higher Education Journalism is intended to help address this […]