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OCUFA holds “Future U” Conference in Toronto

March 4, 2014

On February 27th and 28th, OCUFA played host to students, faculty, administrators, and policymakers at the “Future U: Creating the universities we want” conference. Over 120 people came together to share ideas on how to build democratic, high quality, and sustainable institutions that reflect the needs of students, faculty, and citizens.
Through a series of panel sessions and keynotes, attendees were invited to consider the challenges currently facing higher education in Ontario, Canada, and around the world. The conference also aimed to move beyond the negative, and to imagine how future universities could respond to the challenges while preserving key academic and civic principles. Future U closed with a special “plenary panel” that engaged all participants in articulating their visions for the future of higher education.
Like previous OCUFA conferences, Future U encouraged a diversity of perspectives for a variety of leading thinkers. The sessions were recorded, and we hope to make the recordings available on our website soon.