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OCUFA celebrates the Teaching, Lorimer and Women of Distinction Awards

October 25, 2011

This past weekend, OCUFA presented the winners of the annual Teaching, Lorimer, and Women of Distinction Award. These awards are an important part of what we do, because it gives us a chance to recognize individuals who have made the lives of academic staff better, and improved the entire university system.

This year marks the 38th OCUFA Teaching Awards. Five exceptional teachers were honoured:

  • Mr. Paul Gries, University of Toront0
  • Prof. Richard Leblanc, York University
  • Prof. Carol Percy, University of Toronto
  • Dr. Martin Schreiber, University of Toronto
  • Prof. Alan Steele, Carleton University

The Status of Women Committee Woman of Distinction Award honours those who have improved the lives and working conditions of academic women and, by extension, their colleagues, families, and friends. This year’s winners were Dr. Pamela Milne from the University of Windsor, and Prof. Susan Shaw from the University of Waterloo.

Our Lorimer Award, established in honor of Doug & Joyce Lorimer, recognizes individuals who have improved the working conditions and quality of life of faculty and academic librarians through collective bargaining. This year’s winner was Prof. Brian E. Brown, of the the University of Windsor.

Congratulations to all of the winners!