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Nominations now open for OCUFA Teaching and Academic Librarianship Awards

February 23, 2016

Every year, OCUFA recognizes outstanding teachers and academic librarians in Ontario universities through its Teaching and Academic Librarianship Awards. We are pleased to announce that nominations for the 2015-16 awards are now open. Up to seven awards are presented annually.

Teaching, in the context of the OCUFA awards, embraces virtually all levels of instruction – graduate and undergraduate teaching, continuing education, and faculty development. Similarly, proficiency in teaching may extend well beyond the classroom, the laboratory or the faculty member’s office. Activities such as course design, curriculum development, organization of teaching programs and other significant forms of leadership are often important contributions to the instructional process.

Academic librarianship includes all aspects of librarianship that contribute to the scholarly achievement of all members of the university community. Activities such as development and delivery of services, provision of educational materials, collection development and management and other contributions to academic librarianship are important to the intellectual functioning of the university.

Nominations are invited from individuals; informal groups of faculty, students, or both; local faculty associations; faculty or college councils; university committees concerned with teaching and learning; local student councils; departments; alumni; and any campus group with an interest in teaching.

Nominations should include a covering nomination form, a nominator’s brief, and sufficient evidence, from as many sources as possible, to demonstrate the outstanding nature of the candidate’s work.

The deadline for nominations is May 27, 2016. We request that all submissions be uploaded onto OCUFA’s secured online submission system as a single PDF file at For more information and questions, please contact OCUFA at 416 979 2117 or