OCUFA and CAUT statements and resources on COVID-19
- Data and information about Ontario university and university-college reopening plans for the fall 2020 term
- OCUFA Letter to Minister of Colleges and Universities: Now is not the time for destabilizing performance funding
- OCUFA – Ontario spring economic statement continues to fail province’s workers
- OCUFA – Ontario faculty sound alarm over equity implications of the COVID-19 crisis and its impact on the most vulnerable
- OCUFA calls on the provincial government to ensure paid sick leave for Ontario workers
- OCUFA urges university administrations to respect collegial governance structures when addressing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic
- OCUFA: Now is not the time for destabilizing performance funding
- Ontario’s post-secondary institutions likely moving fall studies online
- Ontario shelves plan for performance-based postsecondary funding, while Alberta pushes ahead
- Ontario Puts Off Controversial Post-Secondary Funding Conditions
- Managing finances in difficult times (Webinar by OCUFA and Eckler)
- COVID-19 | Reopening university campuses in September comes with some challenges (iheartradio.ca Shelby Knox Speaks with Michael Conlon – Executive Director Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations regarding the plan to reopen University campuses in the fall)
- CAUT – COVID-19 and the Academic Workplace: Questions & Answers
- CAUT – Special COVID-19 Income Support Measures: Information for Academic Staff Associations
- CAUT Briefing Note: Remote Teaching – Privacy and Intellectual Property Concerns
- CAUT & CFS urge federal government to extend the CERB to students and contract staff
- CAUT welcomes new measures for post-secondary students
- CAUT: Post-secondary educators issue urgent call for support to offset impacts of COVID-19
- CAUT develops guidelines for re-opening campuses
- CAUT: Support for research welcome but further expansion of the wage subsidy program needed