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OCUFA Expense Policy

These guidelines apply to members of the OCUFA Board of Directors, Executive, and Committees when attending Board, Executive, and Committee meetings. They also apply to persons conducting official duties on behalf of OCUFA, for whom OCUFA has agreed to pay travel and/or accommodation costs.
The fundamental principle underlying these guidelines is that people should not be out-of-pocket for necessary expenses incurred while on OCUFA business, providing that such expenses are reasonable. OCUFA will not be responsible for undue charges.
OCUFA will pay for return transportation, including airport transfers, taxi or public transit fares, necessary meals, hotel accommodation, childcare expenses, and customary gratuities as noted below. Payment of expenses is contingent upon full attendance at the authorized meeting, submission of receipts where required, and authorization by the Treasurer or delegate of the expenses incurred.

    When possible, please use OCUFA’s travel agent, TTI Travel, when booking air or rail passage. The travel agent will bill OCUFA directly.

    Air Travel
    Choose the least expensive airfare available. In no case will OCUFA pay more than the regular economy fare.

    Airport Transfers
    Between Pearson International Airport and downtown Toronto, use the Union Pearson (UP) Express train, and between the airport and downtown when attending meetings in other major centres, use the airport bus. Use an airport limousine or taxi only when your flight arrival time makes it necessary in order to arrive at your meeting on time; or, when the meeting adjournment time makes it necessary in order to arrive at the airport in time for your flight.

    Choose economy or coach fares, when possible. Club or First Class fares may be purchased if you are travelling over a mealtime.

    Personal Automobile
    Automobile expenses will be reimbursed at the rate of 58 cents per kilometer effective July 1, 2022. A claim for mileage may not exceed the cost of the seven-day advance airfare, except in cases where a carpooling arrangement allows two or more people going to the same meeting to travel more economically than by air.

    Car Rental
    When cars are rented, OCUFA will pay the actual cost of the rental, including insurance, taxes, and gasoline up to the maximum of the mileage claim that could be made for the same trip. Receipts are required.

    Parking expenses may be claimed where necessary.

    Taxi/Public Transit
    Use public transit when possible, and safe, to do so. Taxi charges are allowable where necessary.
  2. MEALS
    Necessary meals are to be claimed at the actual amount paid. When one person submits a single claim for all members of a group, a receipt must be submitted listing all the names on the receipt. Gratuities for meals should be claimed with the meal and are part of the maximum allowable amounts. Effective July 1, 2022, the maximum per person reimbursement for meal claims is as follows:

    Breakfast $ 21.90 | Lunch $ 22.15 | Dinner $ 54.40 | Incidentals $ 17.30

    Where breakfast is included in the cost of a hotel room, or where meals are included as part of a meeting, no separate claim may be made.
    OCUFA will pay for necessary accommodation costs only. For attendance at Board, Executive, and Committee meetings, a maximum of one night’s accommodation per meeting will be reimbursed unless authorized in advance by the Treasurer or their designate. For meetings in Toronto, arrange room bookings through the OCUFA office when possible. The hotels that OCUFA book with are moderately priced ($150 to $200 range, including taxes) and bill OCUFA directly. If you book and pay for your own room, OCUFA will reimburse your actual cost up to a maximum of the amount charged to OCUFA by the hotel used for that particular meeting. When it is necessary to book rooms in other cities, select moderately priced accommodation, in the same price range where possible, through OCUFA’s travel agent. Receipts are required.
    Participants at OCUFA meetings and events, where OCUFA underwrites the cost to attend, may apply for reimbursement of necessary and reasonable costs associated with providing alternative care for dependents who rely primarily upon them for physical care. Notice of this arrangement, including the estimate of the costs, should be made to the OCUFA office at least a week before the event is to be held. Receipts are required for reimbursement and must show the number of hours and the total amount paid.
    A brief, long-distance call home each night away from home is acceptable. The following items will not be reimbursed: hotel services such as movies, mini-bars, laundry, etc., pet care, personal entertainment, and refreshments.
    Expense claims must be submitted using the online Expense Claim portal, located in the Members’ Area of the OCUFA website at:
    Reimbursement will be made directly through an online banking transfer once a void cheque has been uploaded.

    Questions about this policy should be directed Jenny Ahn or 416-306-6030.