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Contract faculty unite for Day of Action across Ontario

February 11, 2016

Faculty, staff, and students are coming together to challenge the rise of precarious work at universities and colleges across Ontario. An online day of action will unite contract faculty in their call for good academic jobs.

“Thousands of talented teachers are stuck in precarious academic jobs with unfair pay, lack of access to benefits, and poor job security,” said Fran Cachon, a contract faculty member at the University of Windsor. “This growing problem not only hurts individuals, their families, and their communities, but it also threatens the quality of education in Ontario.”

“This day of action is our way of putting a face on the issue of precarious academic work in our province. We won’t be invisible.”

At campuses across the province, contract faculty members will be coming together to share their experiences under the hashtag #precariousPSE. They will be sharing photos, stories, and support as they fight for fairness and better working conditions. We invite everyone to join the conversation on Facebook and Twitter.