2013 Worldviews Conference: Global Trends in Media and Higher Education

June 19-21, 2013

2013 Conference Themes

Newsflashes from the global campus. Reporting trends, interpretations and relationships.

How media portray issues of equity in increasingly diverse faculty and student populations on university campuses around the world

  • International students and campus integration: Institutional strategies and media interpretations

– Teboho Moja, Professor, New York University

– Elizabeth Redden, Journalist, Inside HigherEd

  • The next frontier for media, higher education and internationalization? Reports on enrolment growth from the African continent

– Karen MacGregor, Global Editor, University World News

– Goolam Mohamedbhai, former Vice-Chancellor, University of Mauritius

– Tade Akin Aina, Program Director, Higher Education and Libraries in Africa, Carnegie Foundation


  • Majority in enrolment, minority in leadership: Expanding the coverage on women in higher education

– Teboho Moja, Professor, New York University

– Zukiswa Kekana, Doctoral Student, New York University

– Shari Graydon, Founder, Informed Opinions


The cultural impact of western-centric hubs and branch campuses in Asia and the Middle East

  •  University Hubs, and the societies they are intended to serve: Reports from Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Dubai, and Mauritius

– Jack Lee, Doctoral Candidate, University of Toronto

– Yojana Sharma, University World News

– Tade Akin Aina, Program Director, Higher Education and Libraries in Africa, Carnegie Foundation

– Goolam Mohamedbhai, former head of Association of African Universities

– Jon Western, Professor, Mount Holyoke College


  • Financial opportunity over institutional integrity? The accountability of university participation in branch campuses and overseas hubs.

– Sheila Embleton, Professor, York University

– James Bradshaw, Journalist, Globe & Mail

– Jon Western, Professor, Mount Holyoke College


  •  The West and China: Interpretations of the Confucius Institutes, and their partnerships abroad (North America and Europe)

– Zha Qiang, Associate Professor, York University

– Elizabeth Redden, Journalist, Inside HigherEd

– Li Yan, Director, Confucius Institute, Waterloo University


Coverage of university rankings as a benchmark for institutional quality – in light of emerging-world priorities such as provision, affordability and employability

  • The relevance of international rankings? The rise of national and regional rankings as real benchmarks of institutional quality

– Mary Dwyer, Senior Editor, MacLean’s

– Scott Jaschik, Editor, Inside HigherEd


The breadth, depth, and diversity of coverage in China and India as emerging (major) players in higher education

  • Grappling with the onset of mass higher education: Media coverage of the expansive systems in India and China

– Philip G. Altbach, Professor, Boston College

– Yojana Sharma, Journalist, University World News

– Zha Qiang, Associate Professor, York University

– Rahul Choudaha, Director of Research and Advisory Services, World Education Services


  • Government five-year plans and higher education: Media depictions of accountability in India and China

– Philip G. Altbach, Professor, Boston College

– Roopa Desai Trilokekar, Assistant Professor, York University

– Rahul Choudaha, Director of Research and Advisory Services, World Education Services

– Zha Qiang, Associate Professor, York University

– Elizabeth Redden, Journalist, Inside HigherEd

– Yojana Sharma, Journalist, University World News


Hooking up or a long-term relationship? Future depictions of the professoriate and of journalism.

 An identity crisis? The place of journalism schools in the academy and in the marketplace

  • Lessons on private-public partnerships for the academy: How J-schools engage with media organizations

– Mathew Ingram, Senior Writer, GigaOm

– Jeffrey Dvorkin, Professor, University of Toronto

– Sandy Mckean, Associate Dean, Sheridan College

– Vinita Srivastava, Assistant Professor, Ryerson University


  • Something born or something bred? The necessity of the academy to train journalists

– Jeffrey Dvorkin, Professor, University of Toronto

– Janice Neil, Associate Professor, Ryerson University

– Adrian Monck, Head of communications, World Economic Forum


 International comparisons and future roles of professions within higher education and within journalism

  • Not just for the sake of the discipline: Academic responsibility and disseminating work to a wider audience

– Nicole Blanchett Neheli, Professor, Sheridan College

– Shari Graydon, Founder, Informed Opinions


  • A different kind of gatekeeping: What can we expect of higher education and of journalism in the next ten years?

– Phil Altbach, Professor, Boston College

– Glen Jones, Professor, University of Toronto

– Karen MacGregor, Global Editor, University World News

– Mark Rosenfeld, Executive Director, Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations


  • Branding and the sophistication of the communications culture in universities

– Bill Murphy, Vice-president for Communications, University of Rochester

– Gili Drori, Professor, Hebrew University


  • Reflections on the adaptive nature of journalism and higher education

– Matthew Ingram, Senior Writer, GigaOm, former writer, Globe and Mail

– Janice Neil, Associate Professor, Ryerson University

– Vinita Srivastava, Assistant Professor, Ryerson University


  • Academic Minute: Workshop

– Lynn Pasquerella, President of Mount Holyoke College

– Alan Chartock, President and CEO, WAMC/Northeast Public Radio

– Bradley Cornelius, Producer, WAMC/Northeast Public Radio

– Scott Jaschik, Editor, Inside HigherEd


  • Media bias towards universities? Raising the profile of colleges and vocational training in a differentiated system

– David Naylor, President, University of Toronto

– James Bradshaw, Journalist, Globe & Mail


Unlocking the tower. How trends in media, citizenry, and government are altering the academy.

The sustainability of open access in news media and higher education, and the impact of massive open online courses (MOOCs)

  • Who are the MOOC users? Insights from media and higher education

– Scott Jaschik, Editor, Inside HigherEd

– Aron Solomon, Educator and Entrepreneur

– Joe Wilson, Education Advisor, MaRS Discovery District

– Melonie Fullick, Freelance journalist, Doctoral Candidate, York University

– Andrew Ng, Founder, Coursera

– Gavin Adamson, Assistant Professor, Ryerson University


The age of austerity for higher education: public reaction and media depictions

  • Student protests or civil society mobilization? Media depictions in Quebec, Chile, US, and UK  

– Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, former spokesman, Coalition large de l’Association pour une Solidarité Syndicale Étudiante (CLASSE)/ Broad Coalition of the Association for Student Union Solidarity

– Jesse Rosenfeld, freelance journalist

– Scott Jaschik, Editor, Inside HigherEd


  • The under-reported story: The role of university campuses in the Arab Spring

– Tony Burman, Velma Rogers Graham Research Chair, Ryerson University

– Jesse Rosenfeld, freelance journalist


  • Innovations bred by austerity: Crowd-sourcing in media and in higher education

– Joe Wilson, Education Lead, MaRS Discovery District


  • Media’s better bedfellow? Coverage of research findings from universities and think tanks

– Adrian Monck, Head of communications, World Economic Forum

– Chad Gaffied, President, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council


Who owns the academy: academic freedom, public finances and national security

  •  Academic freedom and freedom of the press: Old tenets, new interpretations

– Mark Kingwell, Professor, University of Toronto

– Vinita Srivastava, Assistant Professor, Ryerson University

– Jon Western, Professor, Mount Holyoke College


  •  National security, social media and the publicity of academic findings


Conference organizers

The organizers of Worldviews: Media Coverage of Higher Education in the 21st Century are University World News, Inside Higher Ed, OCUFA/Academic Matters and OISE/University of Toronto.

University World News is an international newspaper and website on higher education issues produced by a network of education journalists in every region of the globe.

Inside Higher Ed is an independent website with news, ideas, career advice and thousands of job listings in higher education – with readers at every kind of college and university, all over the world.

The Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) represents 16,000 university faculty and academic librarians in Ontario universities. Academic Matters, published by OCUFA, is a journal and website exploring Canadian and global higher education concerns from a diversity of perspectives.

The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto is an international leader in the research, teaching and study of issues that matter in education. As Canada’s largest faculty of education, the Institute operates a broad range of innovative academic programs and research initiatives.