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Chair of OCUFA Board wins Charles E. Brooks Award

September 14, 2016

OCUFA and the Windsor University Faculty Association (WUFA) congratulates Professor Brian E. Brown on being awarded the Charles E. Brooks Labour Community Service Award, presented by the Windsor District Labour Council in recognition of outstanding contributions in the area of volunteer community service.

Prof. Brown, who is a past president of WUFA and the current Chair of OCUFA’s Board of Directors, has “gone above and beyond to make a difference in Windsor and Essex County.” He will be presented with a unique gold signet ring and an award plaque during the Charles Brooks Labour Appreciation Dinner, which will be held at the Caboto Club on Friday, November 18 at 6:00pm.

The award was created to honour Charles E. Brooks, an outstanding Trade Union Leader who recognized the need for total involvement in the community, lending his influence and support to many worthwhile community projects.  Charlie was a strong supporter of United Way, by personal example helping raise labour participation to a level unmatched elsewhere in the country.

On behalf of OCUFA and all of our members, congratulations Brian on this well-deserved honour.